(Dennis) - Wood Aspect Dragon Blooded

     (Dennis) was born to a minor noble family just to the south east of the Blessed Isle, near Chorascuro.  From a young age he heard stories of his grandfather, who had been Exalted and possessed by a Demon of the Sun.  His family were devout followers of the Immaculate Faith, and viewed all “anathema” as evil and unnatural.  So it was no surprise when, at the age of 17, he joined the Immaculate Order with the goal of becoming a Wyld Hunter.

     He was sent to a northern temple to study under Master  Bai Sei Gou.  He quickly developed an affinity for the Arts in the element of ( insert element here ).  After a few years he was even accepted as an apprentice into the Wyld Hunt and began going on hunts for anathema with them, serving as an assistant.  But all of that would change on the eve of a very important day, the day that (Dennis) would be allowed to participate in the fight and capture of a high level Solar. His initiation as a full member of the Wyld Hunt.

     Master Bai forbade him from going, saying that he was not yet ready for that kind of responsibility.  They argued loudly and (Dennis) stormed off into the nearby hills.  Later that night he returned and went to seek forgiveness from Bai, but found his Master in a pool of blood.  A shadowy figure jumped out of the window as (Dennis) entered the room, and (Dennis) ran to the window after him.  The figure disappeared into the night, but not before (Dennis) could note the Aura of an Abyssal.  He knelt by Bai and attempted to resuscitate him, but before he could do much, the other Masters burst into the room followed by the Wyld Hunt Head Priests.  They listened to (Dennis’) story, but no trace of anathema energy could be found, he had no confirmable alibi, and upon searching his room they found the bloody dagger that had been used to kill Master Bai.

     (Dennis) was thrown in jail to await judgment while they investigated further, but he knew how it would turn out.  He would be put to death.  So he did what only a desperate man would do.  He prayed to the Gods, but they turned a deaf ear on (Dennis).  Or at least he thought they had. Occupying the cell next to (Dennis), was a deranged old beggar. The beggar was not a strong or particularly smart man, but the night before (Dennis)’s trial the impossible happened. The beggar somehow broke out of his cell. In a fit of madness, because that's all it could possibly be, he fought the guards and ultimately freed all the prisoners, including (Dennis). He didn’t know it at the time, but the beggar had been possessed by Muza, God of Revolution. Why is another matter entirely.

     On the run now, (Dennis) strives to prove his innocence and return to his life, though now he has begun questioning his own beliefs....